Perth-born band Ah Trees are making big waves in the Australian music scene. Since releasing their self-titled debut EP in 2016, the new wave indie-pop band have completed their first national tour of Australia and earned a WA Music Award nomination for Most Popular New Act. We’ve been speaking to lead singer, Ryan, and his band mates to hear more about their latest success, their favourite hometown hangouts, and WA’s upcoming ‘golden age’ of music.

What was your reaction when you found out you’d been nominated for a WAM Award?
Disbelief! We were super stoked to be considered for a WAM Award, though it really was a testament to all the people who come to our shows and enjoy the music we're making.
With the closure of some of Perth’s more established live music venues and the opening of some new ones, how do you think the live music scene has developed in Perth?
It's had it's highlights and deep shadows, though I feel we're coming to a golden age of sorts within Perth—each week there's some place new hosting some live music which is great, and the local music scene has really held itself together taking a lot more DIY approach which has certainly injected life into our city. No longer are we losing so many people to the East coast!
What is your favourite song to listen to at the moment?
Hard to say, I listen to different music depending on the mood I'm in, right now I'm listening to Obsession by Animotion—it's about 40 degrees outside, hot and sweaty inside, and this tune has that real Miami Vice vibe…I think I first heard it playing GTA Vice City now that I think about it…

What are Ah Trees working on at the moment?
We've got a music video coming out in March for one of the tracks off of our debut EP, shot by our super talented friend Sam Lara, who also directed the first clip with Team Sports. And we're always writing/recording, working on the next thing. Keeping busy. Idle hands, devils workshop, etc. You know how it is.
How would you describe Perth to someone who has never been here?
"City style with country vibes”
What is your favourite thing to do when you go on stage?
Have fun, shake hips, get the crowd moving and make music with my brothers-from-other-mothers. The show is where we get to really enjoy and experience the music we create, and nothing's better than sharing that with people who are having fun and enjoying it. And then as quickly as it began, it's gone and we go back to reality till the next time.

What is the thing you miss most about Perth when touring?
The weather and the nature. The space and clean air. My dog & cat. Hustle n bustle is great for a little while, but what I love about Perth is that you can get both, and they're just 10 minutes away.
What is the thing you miss the least?
The price of everything.
Where is your favourite place to eat in Perth and why?
Favourite place to eat, arghhh, this is a hard one. We really have stepped up the culinary scene in the last ten years—so much goodness, so much to choose from depending on what you're after. If you're after incredible sushi that's super cheap, Yuzu Kaiten Sushi in Mt Lawley is it. $3 for all plates, always super fresh and real low key.
Where is your favourite place to go on a night out in Perth? What’s your drink of choice?
Favourite place to go out would be Mojos Bar in Freo or Connections in Northbridge. If I'm at Mojo's I'll be drinking Sport (Emu Export). Connections, it's gonna be late, so whiskey & dry to keep up the disco.

You can catch Ah Trees playing at the local Badlands Bar on 25th January, 6pm-late.