It appears that Perth is becoming a more pet-friendly city each day. New dog-friendly cafes, matching pyjamas for both dog and owner, and treats for pups with sensitive stomachs are just a few of the phenomena that have undoubtedly been dominating your Facebook feed recently.
So for those who can’t bear to be apart from their furry friend for more than a few hours, the latest Perth event to accommodate for your better half is the Muddy Paws Challenge - a pet-friendly spin-off of the Swan Valley Mudfest!
What: Swan Valley Mudfest
When: Sunday 8 October at 9am, with starting waves staggered from 9am and running every 10 minutes until 12pm
Where: Belvoir Estate
Length: 5km
Price: $66 + booking fee, Family/Team pass for $200 + bf
Fitness level: All
For those of you who may not be familiar, the Swan Valley Mudfest is a five kilometre obstacle course, filled with over 25 obstacles and obviously, a whole lot of mud. It’s for all fitness levels, so can take anywhere between thirty minutes to one hour to complete - but don’t stress, there’s no time limit. “Competitors don’t need to train for months or be particularly fit,” says Jack. “They just sign up and have a good time with friends and family!”
This year, the Swan Valley Mudfest is taking place on Sunday 8 October at Belvoir Estate and begins at 9am, with waves running every ten minutes until 12pm. Tickets are $66 each, and there’s also the possibility to get a group together and purchase a Family/Team Pass for $200!

What: Muddy Paws Challenge
When: Sunday 8 October, 12.30pm - 1.30pm
Where: Belvoir Estate
Length: 5km
Price: $66 + booking fee, of which $10 goes straight to RSCPA WA
Fitness level: All for humans, fit dogs only
Kicking off shortly after at 12.30pm is its dog-friendly counterpart - the Muddy Paws Challenge. “The Muddy Paws Challenge was a course we created with the RSPCA WA to ensure our four-legged friends got to experience the fun and have as much of a muddy good time as their owners,” says event organiser Jack Rogers.
Just like the Mudfest, the Muddy Paws Challenge is 5 kilometres long and designed for fitter dogs. In addition to being a whole lot of fun, Muddy Paws has your furry friends’ best interests at heart - tickets also cost $66, of which $10 goes straight to RSPCA WA. You can even set up a fundraising page and get your friends to sponsor your dog’s muddy journey!
“Expect mud, lots and lots of mud!” said Jack, when asked what first-time Mudfest and Muddy Paws-goers can expect. “The classic favourites from previous years’ events will be on the course again this year, along with some new obstacles brought up from the South West Mudfest. The Swan Valley Mudfest is all about fun, family, not taking yourself too seriously, having a laugh, getting fit, getting muddy, and achieving things you didn’t think were possible!”

You and your furry friend don’t want to miss this. Register for the Swan Valley Mudfest or Muddy Paws Challenge here.