Reviews are helpful ways for the public to get an idea about anew place or product before they try it. Nowadays, everybody considersthemselves a food critic with the only experience required being âI eat foodâ.Unfortunately, the rise in the keyboard warrior phenomenon has led to somerather shameful reviewing habits from people that Iâd rather see shut the f.up. Having worked in the hospitality industry for several years, I have hadfirst-hand knowledge of how the review system works.
Things to remember before pressing publish: have you accuratelydescribed your experience in a fair and honest way? Put it this way, in anoffice job would you post on facebook how shit you thought your boss ran themeeting, how he was late coming in and how you personally believe he could haveused more inspiring visual aids - stock photos, yuck. Am I right? No, youprobably wouldnât as you are personally criticising someone for their skillsand execution. The same rules apply to the food and service industry. And yes, mostbusinesses do read reviews as they are a great way to give feedback to staff onwhat is or isnât working - so donât makethe mistake of thinking your opinions go unnoticed. A perfect example of a verypublic review fail was done by My Kitchen Rules ex-contestants Chloe and Kelly.After the scathing review was published, the duo were quite publically shamedas the West Perth eatery in question hit back, pointing out more than a fewfalse truths in the article.
Here are some other online reviewers who should have re-thoughtbefore they posted.
The guy who was feelingout of place at Petition Kitchen, CBD
The Heritage building looks and feels expensive, even if Ididnât know that the general rule of thumb is to err on the side of smartclothing, the outside facade screams âno thongs allowedâ. Iâm not quite surehow this diner managed to miss the memo.

The undecided diner at Tuck Shop Cafe, Northbridge
This Perth cafe-goer loved the food, service and coffee butfound fault in the popularity and patrons. Hmmm not sure how they could reallyimprove on this.

The quiet observer atMoore and Moore, Fremantle
Beanhunter is a coffee-snob review site. If you love coffee,chances are youâll be scouring this app to find a quality espresso. It seemslike this reviewer may be barking up the wrong tree with this post.
The review addict at Fortysevenkirwanstreet, Floreat
Reviewing can become addictive and those with the afflictioncan begin to leave comments on any place serving food or drinks - watch out IGA,keyboard warriors are coming for you! This review falls into the ânot helpfulat allâ category.

Cover image: Pig Lebowski