Location: Mount Hawthorn

Books and beats

While CD’s are well on their way too extinction, it appears the once prehistoric record is getting a second wind. Specialty stores around Perth stock vinyl for the true music lover, or lets be honest, new age “hipster”. Just coming up to its first birthday is Mount Hawthorne’s Diabolik Books & Records, its shelved filled with things that were common before the technological revolution.

It’s filled with the weird and wonderful. Puzzles, games and books, not the typical Top 100 titles list either. With educational novels including “The life changing art of tidying – The Japanese Art” and “F**k it – the ultimate spiritual way” making sure readers keep a healthy state of mind.

The owner Scott Jones has been in the biz for the past 20 years, and most of the employees have a decade’s worth of knowledge on books and music.

It’s not just the youths hitting up the store. The layout has wide aisle, allowing for pram access as the owners’ recognised Mount Hawthorne has a very high population of families.

Whilst the shop sells a range vinyl, they don’t have many options in regards to players. However Scott says that will change soon. Though don’t expect anything low quality or as he calls them “vinyl scratchers”. Their machines are for the true record lovers, and this means you’re going to have to spend a pretty penny to get a quality player.

Its got character, charm and humour. Everything you could want in a bookshop. Where time slows down, you can spend endless time browsing through the shelves looking for the next addition to your reading list, or do the time warp in the music section to flip through the vinyl covers for a new record to spin.

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