Made With Heart
In the grips of the minimalist fashion trend of plain tight dresses, shirts and skirts in the yawn inspiring colours of beige, grey, taupe and more beige (thanks Kardashians), most store clothing options are as drab as the winter weather that’s upon us.
Like a bright ray of sunshine perforating its way through the grey moody clouds, Sad Jane designs are (ironically) offering playful clothing options that feature bright colours and bold prints.
Drawing inspiration from the sixties Austin Power-esque style and the fifties rockabilly era, designer Lisa Estrano creates fun pieces, all sewn in store, to stand out from the crowd.

Groovy Baby
Walking into the Sad Jane store is almost like entering a living art museum. With one half dedicated to racks of clothing and accessories, the other is the studio in which all these items are made. An eclectic mix of fabrics, sewing machines, mannequins and of course a work bench, it is a window into the world of dressmaking. This entrancing art often has walkers by stop to watch as Lisa works her magic.
Originally starting as a side hobby, Lisa has recently stopped working full time to focus on growing her label. Always having an interest in design and fabric, Lisa set out to study contemporary fashion at university before backing out last minute to study theatre instead. Despite a change of mind, this didn’t translate to a change of heart, and Lisa found her way back to design.

Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows...
The label name actually stems back to a high school graphic design project. Influenced by other brands like Emily the Strange which were big at the time, they arrived at ‘Sad Jane’ and it has stuck ever since. With everything Lisa produces being happy and colourful, it is all done in a bit of humour.
A self-confessed spotlight addict, Lisa’s process usually begins with buying interesting fabrics rather than having a particular design in mind, then deciding their final form when inspiration strikes. Her approach is quite experimental, and she often goes through stages depending on what stirs her interest and creativity at the time. As well as her own creations, Lisa stocks a collection of vintage items looking for a new home.

One and Only
If you see something you love, make sure to snap it up quickly. With only one or two of any particular item made in varying sizes, your latest purchase most likely only belongs to your wardrobe. However, if you fall in love with a piece only to flip over the tag to reveal it’s not your size, don’t despair just yet. If there is more of the same fabric in the workshop, Lisa can probably whip one up in your size.
Although mainly concentrating on women’s clothing, Lisa also dabbles in men’s shirts and accessories, like her popular array of loud patterned bow ties. You can customise your own pocket shirt by choosing your preferred pocket from a selection of fabrics and have it sewn on as you wait.

Local Love
Keen to support other local artists, Lisa sells a host of accessories from fellow small labels like Bettie Dreadful. These include novel laser cut earrings, necklaces, vintage coin purses, and brooches alongside her own conceptions.
Lisa says she still gets a thrill out of bumping into people wearing her designs, and is glad there are people out there who appreciate clothes that are different and well-made as opposed to those being churned out from mass production. While she says she will eventually need to use manufacturers as it is not feasible to sew every garment, she says she will always keep a mix and stay true to Sad Janes origins.

You can find Sad Jane located at shops 12/14 on the ground floor of Bon Marche Arcade at 80 Barrack Street, Perth. A bit of a tricky one to find, the arcade entrance is located just next to Le Vietnam (a French Vietnamese café, and good place to grab a coffee on the way).
Sad Jane can also often be found at pop up Markets, and will be making an appearance at the upcoming Eclectic Matter warehouse party taking place on Saturday the 28th of May. Head on down to browse the racks as well as enjoying other locals labels, food and music.

Opening hours are 10am – 5pm Tuesday through Thursday, 10am – 6pm Friday and 10am – 3pm Saturday.
You can find out more on their Facebook, Instagram, Website and Etsy store, where you can also buy items online.